A good home wanted...
This friendly fellow is a rare breed - a complete one off! Made with natural linen he has been delicately hand stitched and measures 23cm tall and retails at £175. Artist Helen Thompson leaves all her fabric edges raw to give each dog its own personality. Click here to find out more about Holy Smoke. To win this sculpture please answer the following question: How fast can an Afghan Hound gallop? Please click here to send your answer. Winners will be announced on the 6th April.
They can gallop at 35 -40 mph.
rita davies is correct…..the afghan can galloo about 35-40 mph
In one study they found that they can step out at 43 mph.
I LOVED these dogs… best in show…they are just exquisite! Had to check, because I had no idea, but an Afghan can run up to 45km an hour – they must look fab with all their hair flowing!!
Hey Else –
My friend photographed one of them sprinting at one of the (whippet) race meets I attend … check it out at: http://photos.kellygamble.org/WhippetRacing/2011-03-12-NAWRA-SCWA/16179280_RffJX#1215012221_gyTZh