Image courtesy of Patricia Schwoerer
Balenciaga's latest collection of worn out shoes, dubbed the Paris Sneaker, is causing a stir and challenging what we value in our fashion purchases. Worn out, marked and dirtied, the range of trainers are selling for up to $2,000 but what are consumers' buying?
Image courtesy of Patricia Schwoerer
Balenciaga said the shoes' worn-out appearance suggests they are "meant to be worn for a lifetime," challenging us to re-think the lifetime of our shoes but is the Balenciaga label, graffitied on the side of some pairs, really what is being bought? Like the brand’s other offerings, the shoes are being seen as a display of wealth, proof that their owner can afford to indulge in even the least practical items, making clear that its well-worn appearance is a fashion choice and nothing more.
Image courtesy of Patricia Schwoerer
Although causing controversy, it reflects on the aged trainers we have in our wardrobe and at what point trainers are no longer wearable?
Find out more information at Balenciaga.org.
This is the height of insanity. If I had originally-pristine shoes that deteriorated to this degree, it would be time to dispose of them; slap a designer name on them and you can get someone to buy them for thousands of dollar better spent elsewhere. They don’t even look wearable at this stage.
Hello Selvedge – I’m surprised you are actually publicising these trainers. Cultural (or societal) appropriation at its worst, even if all profits from these up-to $2000 a pair shoes goes to homeless charities.
There is a customer for every item.