Dutch Textile Art, Craft and Design

'All cultural sectors were required to reappraise their content, historic sources and future forms of cultural production. The textile sector was no exception.' -ETN Frans_Sellies_Internet The European Textile Network (ETN) was born out of political changes and cultural challenges in Europe over the course of 1989 and 1990. Beatrijs Sterk, the current secretary, initiated the network in February 1990. The first conference involved 42 participants from 23 different countries and took place just over a year after the network was founded, in June 1991. Appropriately, given the stimulus behind the network, the first conference was held in the town Erfurt in East Germany. Leiden_view This year - the 17th European Textile Network (ETN) Conference will take place in Leiden, Holland at the Ethnographic Museum of Leiden, under the banner of 'Textiel festival'. This year's conference will involve over 34 venues and 42 exhibitions, along with lectures from prominent ETN members, demonstrations, related tours and trips to various destinations within the Netherlands. Furthermore, through the heading of 'Textiel festival' there will be additional events, including a “Bio Textiles” Symposium, organised by the Dutch Textile Commission. Rijswijk_Museum The 17th European Textile Network Conference 15th - 17th May 2015 Leiden, Holland Visit the ETN website   www.textielfestival.nl/ www.textielcommissie.nl www.museumrijswijk.nl/rtb2013/rtb201501ENG.html Leiden_Conference_venue  
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As the organiser I may ad that the main theme will be “Dutch Textile Design” with 8 prominent speakers from a.o. The Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, The TextielMuseum Tilburg , The Rietveld Academy Amsterdam , The Eindhoven Academy of Design, the 3D printing company “Materialise” and several wellk-nown textile artists. This most important day of the conference will take place on 16 May from 9 to 17 h at the “Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (National Ethnography Museum)” in Leiden!
There are still a few places free. For the programme of the 17th ETN COnference see http://www.etn-net.org/etn/220ae.htm

Beatrijs Sterk

As the organiser I may ad that the main theme will be “Dutch Textile Design” with 8 prominent speakers from a.o. The Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, The TextielMuseum Tilburg , The Rietveld Academy Amsterdam , The Eindhoven Academy of Design, the 3D printing company “Materialise” and several wellk-nown textile artists. This most important day of the conference will take place on 16 May from 9 to 17 h at the “Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde (National Ethnography Museum)” in Leiden!
There are still a few places free. For the programme of the 17th ETN COnference see http://www.etn-net.org/etn/220ae.htm

Beatrijs Sterk

any chance you know the name of the petatrn in the second picture? the beige lacy piece it looks familiar from maybe that old angelfire link of lace petatrns that doesn’t work anymore .Glad you fared well thru Sandy I live in a Katrina and Isacc zone so I know a little about what you went thrulisaj @ ravelry


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