In issue 27 we asked you to turn off your tumble-dryer. It might seem like a lot to ask but the advantages are clear. An electric tumble-dryer is one of the largest energy consuming devices in the home, accounting for a massive 4.3% of the UK's entire domestic energy consumption. We're hoping that by acting together Selvedge readers can make a real difference so please let us know if you've decided to abandon your tumble-dryer in favour of Mother Nature...
For a year now I have had a ceiling airer and a collapsible outdoor dryer. Consequently there is virtually no ironing of shirts, the wind does it for you. The gorgeous smell reminds me of my childhood wash days – always on a monday!
I’m signing up to give it a try – and with 3 young children, that’s going to be no mean feat when the weather’s awful.
i am hoping that this great article and the fabulous photos will inspire more people to hang out their clothes,,,we also have lines in out basement so air drying is possible all year,,and in all weather.AND because the planet also seems to be running out of water,,we shower standing in 5 gallon buckets, then recycle the water in the garden,,or the clothes washer!!
‘Hang it out’ is a great idea. I don’t own a tumble dryer though – it’s the washing line or airer for me!
Ooh! I don’t have a tumble dryer – when we had one long ago all our clothes kept getting shrunk! And we stopped using our central heating too – it’s amazing how quickly you adjust to a colder house – although we’re not saints – we do have an oil Aga which heats the kitschen and sitting room and a woodburner for those really cold evenings which has a central chimney to take the chill off the bathroom! t.x