Jenine Shereos is a sculptor and a textile artist unlike any other. Although the crafting techniques that she uses in her work are conventional, the materials from which she fashions her creations is anything but. Human hair, ice, twigs and shadows have all been incorporated into Shereos’s pieces, and the results have been remarkable.
Her Leaves collection, which won the 2012 “Small Expressions” prize, involved wrapping, stitching and knotting together human hair into the delicate form of a skeleton leaf. Looking at the finished results, it is incredible to see the level of detail of each fragile leaf, leaving the viewer to wonder how on earth Shereos had the patience for such pain-staking work. However, according to the artist herself, the process was “meditative”.
Shereos is currently exhibiting her work in Hamden Gallery, University of Massachusetts. Im/material features her sculptures and photographs created over the past several years, and documents her artistic exploration of the natural world through fibre and textile arts.
Until 27 March 2017
Tuesday through Friday: 1 pm to 6 pm
Sunday 2 pm– 5 pm
Hamden Gallery, University of Massachusetts Amherst , 131 Southwest Cir, MA 01003, USA
For more information, visit the gallery website here.
Visit Jenine's website here.