In a rainbow of translucent, coloured polyester fabrics, Do ho Suh has captured the imaginations of art lovers across London. His solo show Passage/s at the Victoria Miro gallery has caused a lot of excitement among gallery-goers since its opening at the start of February this year, as queues to gain entry have been filling the street outside the central city gallery. Inviting visitors to walk through a one-to-one scale replica of the transitory nooks and crannies of Suh’s previous homes, the preeminent Korean artist has blended the delicate beauty of art, architecture and textiles in an immersive and captivating show.
Using this art installation as a way to explore what it means to feel at home in today’s globalized world, Suh explains “I’ve been living in so many different countries, and my work is about questioning borders, and moving in and out freely.” At a time when borders and migration are in such frayed and charged conditions in the public psyche, Passage/s uses the fragility of fabric to meditate on a life in transience today.
This solo show also acted as an introduction of a new making process for Suh, exhibiting large two-dimensional “drawings” of his signature architectural pieces such as the staircase. Using gelatin tissue, these new works are sewn in the same way as his architectural installations. Once immersed in water, however, the gelatin dissolves to leave an image of skeletal threads and bold colour. These works echo the tentative nature of his fabric sculptures, startlingly mismatched with the sturdiness of architecture.
Passage/s at Victoria Miro gallery closed last weekend.