It was with great sadness that I learnt of the demise of
Fibrearts magazine. The publication had a huge impact on my life. In the library at the Glasgow School of Art I devoured every issue and through their pages I was introduced to the world of textile art. When I started to write, it was Fiberarts that published my first article. I hope in some way
Selvedge will keep the spirit of those early issues of Fiberarts alive. Do comment below if Fibrearts Magazine had a special place on your shelves...
Very sad to hear this. It was so exciting to discover and then to be published in the magazine, first as an artist and then as a writer. That was many, many years ago but Fiberarts always had a special place in my heart.
Oh! That is very sad news. I especially looked forward to their yearly wearable art issues. They will be missed.
I am completely with you in these sentiments. I think I moaned out loud when I first read the news. Fiberarts was my FAVE textile magazine and I hate to see them go. I’m based in the U.S. so for me, their magazine filled a niche that no other magazine did. If Selvedge could help keep that spirit going, that would be wonderful. I feel like I “cut my teeth” on cloth with Fiberarts and I will really miss them…
Thank you for this lovely post.
sad news, really!!!
This is the first I heard. I’m stunned. I always read the magazine pretty much front to back, then look at them again months later. They had the best representation of the current art being done in the fiber community as well as articles about history and culture in fiber. I’m gonna miss them.