Austria, Vienna, Woll-Habitat
[ha/bi/tat]: habitat for plant and animal species; abode, house; Living station under water or in space.
Woll-Habitat is a wool shop with a living room feel that specializes in sustainable wool and yarns. Organic cotton, linen and nettles grow on our shelves, alpacas, cashmere and angora goats, numerous breeds of sheep and the odd yak graze. Knitters and crocheters feel comfortable on their sofa, where you can continue working on your current project in a relaxed manner or gather inspiration from our notebooks and books over a cup of coffee or tea.
In their courses and workshops you can learn new techniques or deepen your knowledge. KnitNight takes place once a month, a cozy get-together to knit, crochet and chat together.
And of course you can also browse for wool or magazines in their online shop from the comfort of your sofa.