Exhibition & Permanent Collection Review Guidelines
Please supply the following information:
- Title
- Venue
- Dates
- Complete tour schedule
- Review length - as specified
- A copy of any exhibition catalogue
You should provide a summary of the overall quality, significance, focus and context of the exhibition or permanent collection, and then evaluate selected pieces. Not all work deserves praise; honest and thought-provoking criticism is part of the Selvedge ethos. Bear in mind that Selvedge has an international readership. A 'who's who' approach (a list of artists' names, tiles of work, and short descriptive phrases) is inappropriate. Similarly, a list of award winners has little value. Reviews cannot be accepted where individuals have participated as an artist, organiser, curator, juror or contributed to the catalogue.
Please contact the press office to obtain publication quality slides (35 mm) or arrange for digital images (300 dpi tiffs) of all the work in the review to be emailed. Please submit an invoice for agreed travelling expenses and receipts with your review, the content of which should not be disclosed to anyone without the prior permission of the editor.