How to Make a winter warmer with Pauline Greuell
Becoming a fabric printer and designer was not something Pauline Greuell expected. A “very late starter,” it was some time before Pauline realized that her new, creative path was really just a reiteration of her lifelong interests; a love of fabrics and patterns nurtured in childhood, a love of colour from exposure to museums and galleries, and a love of being creative, “even if I’d almost forgotten about it.” From 2019, Pauline began to pursue her textile career in earnest, mostly working with and developing her own stencil printing techniques.
With colder and darker days beginning to draw across the northern hemisphere, and the climate and war-induced crisis affecting our domestic energy habits, we asked Pauline to help us launch our own small, skill share challenge— by creating a draught excluder.
Free downloadable instructions are available.